Mia Qing Wilson

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Day Eight - Leaving Wuhan

For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope.  Jeremiah 29:11

Today we are getting ready to leave the city of Wuhan.  Packing up the room.  Li Qing is quite the organizer and a big help.  She likes everything in its place.   Going back and reading the blog I noticed there aren't any pictures of me so I will add a couple.  I'm praying that she does well on the plane.  I'm nervous about her getting sick, but what else can we do.  Gotta get home!!  I'm anxious to see our friends in Guangzhou.  One more leg of the trip is almost complete.

Being Silly

Snowmen in hotel lobby

Since today is the day that our guide files our paperwork with the notary to officially change Li Qing's name I'm going to start using her American name in our blog.  Mia Qing Wilson!!


  1. You both look so happy! A life long dream come true with God's blessing!

  2. She has such a glow about her. You are so blessed!
