Mia Qing Wilson

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year

Happy New Year Family & Friends!!

Thank you for your prayers for a safe journey home!!

Today's post is coming a little late because I am feeling the effects of jet lag and new motherhood.  Feeling a bit overwhelmed with all that has occurred just to get us home.  Mia became a citizen yesterday and though she doesn't understand what that means today, she will in her future.  A future that is now full of hope and opportunity.    

We had the introductions of some family, presents and fireworks.   She is a bit shy, but opens up quickly.  I know she is exhausted and running on fumes.   Hope she doesn't think this is how we live every day.  I have a feeling she was missing the hotel breakfast buffet this morning.    She enjoyed exploring the house and having fun with her siblings.  We have a piano that she absolutely loves.  She  will sit and play the keys trying to make a song.  The piano is where she has shown the longest attention span.  With so many new sights and sounds she doesn't stick with one thing for too long with the exception of the piano.    Communication has not been a problem so far.  She gets her point across and has picked up on so many new phrases and words.  

We  wish you all a New Year filled with joy and happiness.  I will continue to post updates and pictures.  Continue checking the blog if you'd like too.  We are excited to see where God takes us in 2012.

God's peace be with you all!!

Loving the Camera

First Christmas Stocking

Meeting Rachael for the first time

Meeting Michael for the first time

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Day 14 - Headed to Hong Kong

Dear Friends & Family,

This will be my last blog post from China.  In a few hours we will be heading to Hong Kong in a van.  The trip will take about 3 hours.  In the morning we will start the last leg of our trip home.  We fly to Japan with a 3 hour lay-over then about a 13 hour flight home.  If all goes well we will be landing in Houston around 1:30 pm Friday afternoon.  Can't wait!!

Please pray for a safe and peaceful journey home.  I'm going to end my blog posting here with a poem that I found.

~Legacy of An Adopted Child ~

Once there were two women
Who never knew each other.
One you do not remember,
The other you call mother.

Two different lives
Shaped to make yours one,
One became your guiding star,
The other became your sun.

The first gave you life,
And the second taught you to live it.
And the first gave you a need for love,
And the second was there to give it.

One gave you a nationality.
The other gave you a name.
One gave you the seeds of talent,
The other gave you aim.

One gave you emotions,
The other calmed your fears.
One saw your first sweet smile,
The other dried your tears.

Once gave you up,
It was all that she could do.
The other prayed for a child,
And God led her straight to you.

And now you ask me through  your tears,
The age old question through the years.
Heredity or environment, Which are you a product of?
Neither, my Darling, Neither,
Just two different kinds of love.

Author Unknown

Day 13 - Consulate Appointment

December 28th - “Clap your hands, all you nations, shout to God with cries of JOY.  How awesome is the Lord Most High, the great King over ALL the earth!.”
Psalm 47:1-9

Praise God!! Today was our final adoption paperwork appointment here in China.  We all went to the U.S.  Consulate to take an oath for our Chinese child.  When you have your first point of entry into the United States your child automatically becomes a citizen at that time.  So Mia will become a citizen when we enter the Houston International airport on Friday.  We had to swear an oath as a group.  It went by so fast.  We were not allowed to take a camera with us, so I don't have the moment documented.  After the consulate appointment we went to see a new part of the city.  The architecture was incredible.  The city has spent billions of dollars on renovations.  This is funded by taxing the citizens.  They have a tax rate that is over 50%.  It was incredible to see and you cannot capture the awe on film.  

Tomorrow we will be heading to Hong Kong for the final journey home.  This has been an incredible journey that could only be designed by God.  If someone would have told me two years ago that I would be in Guangzhou China for Christmas getting the most precious Christmas gift ever, I would have told them they were crazy.  It is so amazing where God will take you when you trust your heart and follow  His calling.   Are there hard times ahead?  Absolutely, but with God all things are possible.  "You can take the child out of the institution, but then you must take the institution out of the child."  Before our trip here there were days that I was so stricken with fear.   Adoption is a huge responsibility.   I have come to realize that the only thing we have to fear, is fear itself.  I look at each child in our adoption group and it amazes me how each one is a perfect fit  for that particular family.  

I have tried to bring my sense of wonder with me on this trip.  There has been incredible beauty and deep sadness that can't be described in words on a blog.  I have learned that a smile is universal and I have a new found appreciation for the freedoms that America offers.  

So looking forward to American soil.  Thank you for reading our blog and following this incredible journey with us.  We appreciate every comment and love you all.  See you soon.

Playground Fun

Iced Tea in China

Buildings in Guangzhou 

Monday, December 26, 2011

Day Twelve - Guangzhou Zoo

Today our group went to the Guangzhou Zoo and had a great time.  Such a beautiful zoo with lush plants and lots of wild life.  The pandas didn't come too close and couldn't get a really great picture of them.  Mia had a blast feeding the giraffes.  Was able to get some video of her doing that.  They will come right up to you and take branches out of your hand.    The weather was absolutely perfect.  Even though by Chinese standards we are not dressing our children warm enough.  The Chinese layer their children with lots of layers.  When I say lots that can mean 7 layers on babies.  It can be hot out side and still 3-4 layers are required.  I do keep her layered up.  I don't want her to catch a cold and get sick.  We can get adjusted when we get home.  It is just a different culture because they do not have central heat or air in the homes.  All of the clothes that I bought are way too big, but I'm thinking with the way she is eating they will be fitting soon.  I think she eats just about as much as Butch and I combined.    Mia is also becoming so much more vocal.  After going shopping yesterday and Butch telling her a hundred times "Don't Touch" she repeated that phrase the entire night.  "Don't touch Baba!"  Then she laughs.   She repeats just about everything we ask her too.  Also she has been singing in Chinese to us.  She is quite the comedian.  I must say that my Mandarin is getting better.  Simple words I can handle.  Larger phrases she will just have to learn the English way.   She is definitely TONS of fun.  Tomorrow is our last paperwork appointment which makes our Chinese adoption final. 

Baba, Mia and Panda in background

Panda eating bamboo

Came a bit closer

Beautiful Giraffes
Fun feeding the giraffes 

Always Happy!

Day Eleven - Sightseeing in Guangzhou

Hello Friends & Family,

Didn't get a blog posted yesterday for Christmas.  We had a good day, but missed having Christmas at home.  The church service was interesting.  The children did a program that was very cute.  The first nativity scene that I've seen with a frog, rabbit and a goat.  They were so precious.

Mia also had her first McDonald's meal.  Yes, our Christmas lunch was McDonald's.  We had an excellent dinner with our group at a Japanese Steak house here in the hotel.  The girls in our group are getting along well with each other.  I'm so happy to have a travel group to do things with.  I will mis our new friends, but I know we will keep in touch.

Today we went back to the medical clinic so they could check the girl's TB shots.  All turned out good.  We then went walking around the island to do some shopping and sightseeing.  It is such a beautiful place. I've seen these sights on other people's blogs and I can't believe that we are actually here.  

We have had Mia for one week now.  In some ways it seems like she has been a part of us forever.  Just a little bit out of reach until now.  She is definitely attached to her Baba and won't let him get too far out of sight.  I know she loves me, but if given a choice she wants him.  She does hug and kiss me, so I don't feel too bad.  From what I've read this is common for the child to attach to mainly one parent.

There is a beautiful park nearby that we are going to check out later.  Tomorrow we head to the Zoo.  Can't wait to see a panda bear.  Will close for now.  Hope you enjoy the pictures.  Such a beautiful place.  Hard to capture the beauty on film.

Love to all!

Christmas day at our hotel

Beautiful Shamian Island 

Kids from travel group

All four precious girls

4th floor of our hotel 

Shamian Island

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Day Nine - Arrived in Guangzhou

 Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of Christ Jesus for you. 
1 Thessalonians 5:18
Giving thanks that we have arrived safely in the city of Guangzhou.  If you have ever seen the show the Amazing Race that was the kind of day we had getting here to Guangzhou.  It started out fast paced and we didn’t get to our hotel room and unpacked until 11:30pm.  Our daughter is such a trooper!!  In one day she went to the Civil Affairs office and had her name changed.  She understands that her new name is Mia Qing.  She left the only province she has ever known.  She was very quiet in the van as we were leaving.  I think that in some small way she knew she was leaving for good.  We travelled through crazy traffic to sit in a smokey airport for about 3 hours after a plane delay.  Before you board the aircraft you have to load up in a shuttle bus.  Packed in like sardines and then to load the plane it is a free for all.  Literally.  Mia did so good!  Endured this entire day without complaining once!!  I was unsure how she would react to the plane ride, but she did fantastic.  Was excited to go on the plane and went to sleep after takeoff.  She has been such a good traveller.  Hope the plane ride home goes as well.  14 hours is going to be hard for anyone. 
It was so good to see our American friends today.  All the families are here together in Guangzhou.  Today we went to the medical examination part of our trip.  Pretty much a run through of basic looking the children over.  She passed and all went well.  I was afraid she was going to complain when the gave her the TB test, but she didn’t.  Just scrunched up her nose like “why did you let them do that?”  She has the funniest expressions.
We will be glad to get her home.  Guangzhou is very nice with lots of American families here and stuff to keep her busy.  Mostly we miss the kids back home.  The Christmas season is not the same without your family.  Today is Christmas Eve and we will make the best of it because it really doesn’t matter where you celebrate Christ’s birthday.  The best news is that we get to go to church tomorrow.  I didn’t know that we were going to but we will be in church for Christmas!!  Praise God.  
I must say our hotel room is fabulous and the food has been really good.  Have not had American food and don't really miss it.  Still don't know if our princess can use chopsticks because every place has had regular silverware.  

Better get this posted.  Love to all!! Thanks again for the comments.   Love reading them.

Gingerbread house in hotel

Mama's Baby Girl

Giving Mama sugar

Baba's Girl

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Day Eight - Leaving Wuhan

For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope.  Jeremiah 29:11

Today we are getting ready to leave the city of Wuhan.  Packing up the room.  Li Qing is quite the organizer and a big help.  She likes everything in its place.   Going back and reading the blog I noticed there aren't any pictures of me so I will add a couple.  I'm praying that she does well on the plane.  I'm nervous about her getting sick, but what else can we do.  Gotta get home!!  I'm anxious to see our friends in Guangzhou.  One more leg of the trip is almost complete.

Being Silly

Snowmen in hotel lobby

Since today is the day that our guide files our paperwork with the notary to officially change Li Qing's name I'm going to start using her American name in our blog.  Mia Qing Wilson!!

Day Seven - Exploring Wuhan

Today we ventured out by ourselves in the big city of Wuhan.  We took a cab to a kid's play park and Li Qing had a great time.  After the park we went to the grocery store to buy some things for the room.  I couldn't find any noodles so I asked a lady if she could show me where the noodles were.  I was thinking that the word noodle was universal.  Wrong. Even after slurping and using hand gestures she didn't understand me.  I eventually found them myself.  Walmart is going to look so good.  Getting a cab back to the hotel was a completely different adventure.

We decided not to go back to Li Qing's orphanage.  It is over a hour away and  I think that it would be too difficult.  For Qing and myself.  I had a hard time when the director and nanny was getting ready to leave us at civil affairs office.  I was all chocked up knowing that this would be the last time they would see each other.  I promised to email pictures of her so they could see her grow up.  Li Qing gets out her photo book and looks at the pictures of the orphanage and her friends.  She gets really quite.  My heart breaks for this precious baby.  I can only wonder what she is feeling and thinking.  From what we can gather she lived with the retired orphanage director and a group of children on the complex, so she has been there for nine years with this family unit.  Because she is older and has so many memories this would not be the best decision for her.

The more time we are spending together the more vocal she is becoming.  She is learning quickly and attempts to repeat most words that we tell her.   She wants to please us, but has a strong will that we are guiding very gently.  We have some work to do,  as she is older and needs guidance.  With all that being said we are having the best time with her.  She took an interest in the ping pong table so we thought maybe she has played before.   But she was too little to get the hang of it.  She loves television and is quite the remote control expert.   It's fun listening to her sing along with her shows.  When doing school today we discovered that her math skills are a lot more advanced than we thought.

We are waiting for our paperwork to go to the notary tomorrow.  At the civil affairs office they took our fingerprints and Qing's palm print.  Once this is filed she officially becomes known as Mia Qing Wilson.  We will gradually introduce her name to her because she has already had so many changes in her life.

Children's Park

On the Slide

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Day Six

Today was an adventure in the city of Wuhan.  Nine million people and they are all out and about.  Our guide picked us up at 9:30 and took us to a very nice museum.  It was interesting to see artifacts approximately 2,000 years old.  They are most famous for a musical instrument that has about 65 bronze bells that can still make music.  I want to learn as much as I can about the city that Li Qing is from.  Actually she is from a smaller town about 1 hour away.  This is the largest major city.  After the museum we came back to the room and worked on some school lessons.  I was pleasantly surprised how interested she is in learning.  After our lessons we took her to a nearby mall to walk around and get some dinner.  I must say that when you venture out near the street you are putting your life in your own hands.  Li Qing is quite street smart and walks at a very fast pace.  If you don't walk quickly you will get run over by a motorcycle, bicycle, or the people.  We successfully crossed the street which is definitely a feat.

Li Qing is doing remarkably well.  She might be small in stature, but she has a huge appetite.  This precious baby has not stopped eating.  Food has not been an issue because she will tell us somehow what she wants.  She is a strong-willed little girl and gets her point across.  We heard her first real "belly laugh" today.  So cute and precious to hear.  Below are some pictures that our the highlights from our day.  I apologize if there are any typos.  It's hard to blog when you are tired.  I still have not adjusted to the time zone very well.

Wuhan Museum 

Daddy's Girl

Musical Instrument 2,300 years old

Play Time
School Time

Happy Girl

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Day Five

  The LORD has done great things for us, and we are glad indeed.  Psalm 126:3

This is day five of our trip here in China.  We have now been the proud parents of Li Qing for about 30 hours and just like any new parents we can't help but keep looking at her.  It's so hard to believe that after 16 months we are finally a family.  

Today is the first day we have actually had down time.  We got up early and went back to the civil affairs office and signed the papers saying that yes indeed we will keep this precious angel and treat her as if she is one of our own children.  Yes indeed!!  After that we went to a Chinese grocery store to get some food for the room.  That was interesting.  It was three stories tall and had just about everything you could imagine.  We came back to the room to catch up on some much needed rest.  

Tomorrow we will go and explore the city of Wuhan.  It is huge and being just about the only Americans we stand out.  The local people will stare and some will smile.  At breakfast this morning another American couple (probably the only Americans in the entire city) came into the dining room for the breakfast buffet.  Li Qing quickly noticed them and ran over to their table.  I believe she thought they were someone from her family picture book.  It is amazing how warm and friendly she is to complete strangers.  Later at the civil affairs office this same couple came in with their baby.  Li Qing recognized them and took a small baby doll out of her purse and gave it to their baby.  This girl has the heart the size of Texas.  Do I sound like a proud Mama?   

Yesterday when we got her the orphanage director gave us a photo album with pictures of her from the previous years.  Today Li Qing took her photo album and added her pictures that we sent to her to this same album.  I think this was her way of saying the her family is complete now.  She carefully took each picture out and put them with the others.  So touching because she keeps getting the book out to look at. Now she has all her pictures in the same place.  She especially likes the pictures of my dad.  She points to his picture and then flips the a picture of the orphanage building and repeats something in Chinese.  I believe she is telling us that her foster father was an older gentlemen.  I know that her foster family is the retired director from the orphanage. So this would make sense.  We are communicating remarkable well and relying very little on Goggle translate.  She has picked up so many words and hand signals in just 24 hours.  We were able to Skype some family and friends and she absolutely loves that!!  

One of the highlights of our trip have been reading your comments.  Thank you so much for being a part of this incredible journey. Each person reading this blog has a specially place in our hearts.   I will write again tomorrow and had some pictures. 

Monday, December 19, 2011

Forever Family Day

 “For this child I prayed: and the Lord has granted me the petition that I made to him.”
1 Samuel 1:27

As I write this blog our new daughter Li Qing is sitting on the bed with her Barbie doll smiling at her new daddy.  Today was our "Forever Family Day" aka "Gotcha Day."  It went by in a whirlwind.  We left Beijing this morning and flew to Qing's province of Hubei to the city of Wuhan.  We came back to the hotel for about an hour to get unpacked and get our gifts together.  Then we were off to the Civil Affairs office to meet Li Qing.  We got there sat down on the bench.  Then the next thing I new these two ladies were bringing this smiling little girl into the room.  Butch and I were completely in shock.  Not sure if we even had our camera ready or not.  She was so very tiny looking and had a big smile on her face.  She immediately said "Mama" and "Baba."  She had our pictures in her backpack  and quickly got out her album.  She loves looking at the pictures and repeats our names when she sees us in the pictures.  She wants to see the rest of her family!!

We have the Google translate up and it has been a tremendous help.  We type in English what we want to say to her.  The problem is she can't communicate with us so well.  She is very shy, but amazingly happy.  When we first got back to the hotel room and the guide left us she had some tears running down her face.  I think she realized at that point she really wasn't going to go back to her home. It broke our hearts.  So on the bed, Li Qing, Butch and myself had a good cry.  I rocked her and told her we love her very much and that all will be okay.  We dried our tears and have been having a fun time reading books and playing.  I know she will endure more grieving in the future, but for now she is trying to be strong and accept us.  

Tomorrow morning we go back to the civil affairs office and tell them whether or not we want to officially adopt her.  They would have to literally rip her from my arms before I would give her back.  She is so sweet and has been waiting for us to come and get her.  They gave us a book with some baby pictures in it and I will be able to send pictures back to the orphanage.  I think after some time she is going to adapt quickly.  

This little girl is truly a blessing and I can't wait to share her with our family and friends!!  We can feel your prayers, so please keep them coming.  Enjoying the comments.  Thank you!!

Forever a Family!

Loves her Baba

A smile to melt your heart

Playing cards with her Baba

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Great Wall of China

I can now scratch off climbing the Great Wall of China off of my bucket list!!  The view was breathtaking to say the least.  So awesome!  We have a really great group of fellow America World families traveling with us.  Three other families all here with us waiting to bring their precious girls home.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Sight Seeing in China

 “Rejoice in the Lord Always, I will say it again: REJOICE!”  
Philippians 4:4

First I want to say thank you friends and family for your comments and prayers.  We are so happy to be in this beautiful country and are having a great time.  We know this trip has been designed by the Lord and we can see his hand in it every step of the way.  

As you can see from our pictures it is very cold here!!  Yesterday we went sight-seeing to a Silk Factory, Summer Palace, Pearl Factory, Tiananmen Square, Forbidden City and a Chinese Tea Ceremony.  Yes, we have been busy.  I think this is to keep us awake and to pass the time quickly.  We also had two Chinese authentic meals.  Very good!!  We have another busy day in store for us today.  We get to go to a church service and then to a Jade factory and then explore the Great Wall.  

Tomorrow we travel to Wuhan for our forever family day!!  Excited doesn't even describe how we are feeling.  

Summer Palace - Beijing

Forbidden City - Beijing

Friday, December 16, 2011

China At Last!!

Nin Hao from China!  We made it here.  I've been awake for over 24 hours straight.  No sleep on the plane and we just got to the hotel.  Had to try out my computer to see if I would be able to get internet.  Yeah!!  All seems to be working fine.  The hotel is beautiful.  All decorated for Christmas and the room is very nice.  One thing I can say about China so far; it is freezing!  I'm running on fumes so I will sign off for now and blog tomorrow.  We have to be ready to go at 8:30 in the morning.  We've lost a complete day with traveling.  So excited to be here at last.  Thank you for your prayers.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

We're Off

Dear Friends & Family,

We will be traveling tomorrow to bring Mia home.  While in China we will post pictures and updates.  This is a special trip that we have hope for and dreamed about over the last 16 months.  We are thrilled that you can share this journey with us.  We thank you for your prayers.  See you soon. 

All our love,  Angela & Butch

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Christmas Stockings

The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
In hopes that Mia Qing would soon be there;

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Adoption Poem

Every call has a beginning
A quiet moment when
God whispers a promise
to a mother's heart
A holy place where
a father bows and faithfully
accepts the journey set before him.
A miraculous morning that
unexpectedly dawns...
Casting its first light on a chosen threshold.
A gentle knock..
a closed door opens.
A sacred invitation sent by the Father..
Leads to the other side of the world.
Where lonely hearts stare out orphanage windows
Praying for someone to care..
And then one morning,
On an ordinary day
An orphan's life changes...
God sends them a second chance...
Through you.
~author unknown

Friday, December 2, 2011

China Here We Come!

Our long awaited TA is here.  We leave for China on December 15th and arrive back home with our daughter on December 30th.   What a great way to start the new year!  Please continue to pray that Li Qing has an easy transition into our family.  

Thanks be to God!