Mia Qing Wilson

Friday, February 3, 2012

Doctor Visits & Test Results

We have been home just little over a month now.  Seems like Mia has been a part of our family forever!

Here are a few highlights from our first month home.

  • Completed our first home visit with our America World case worker.
  • First movie - Beauty and The Beast - she loved it!
  • Visit with the pediatric endocrinologist went well.  Mia's bone age tested out to be that of a 6 year old so her blood work looks good comparing her to that age.  However, we know that her biological age is 9 years, so there is some catching up to do.  We are expecting with good nutrition and lots of love we will see some growth.  If not we go back to see the doctor in May for some stem cell testing to see if she needs growth hormones. 
  • Visit with the eye doctor - diagnosis is ptosis of both eyes.  The left eyelid droops right at the pupil of one eye so she recommended we go see a specialist to get further testing and possible lid repair of both eyes.  Will update after that visit.
  • Doing great with her homeschooling!
  •  Learning English very quickly - key phrases "What is that?" "What does that mean?" "Nice to meet you" and "Oh my goodness!"
  • Loves bowling on the family Wii - first day she scored a 225.  Beats everyone around this house!
She is such a joy to have in our lives.  Every day is something new and exciting. We are celebrating Chinese New Year this Saturday.  Can't wait for her to enjoy this holiday. Here are a couple of pictures of her playing dress up. 
Princess Mia

Beautiful Smile