Mia Qing Wilson

Monday, August 27, 2012

First Day of School

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord,
plans to prosper you and not harm you,
plans to give you hope and a future."
Jeremiah 29:11

Most moms have five years before they send their precious babies off to school.  I have had eight months to prepare, so today was a little sad.  I wasn't particularly nervous because I know she is in good hands, but I will miss her joyful spirit during the day.  Thankfully, there is another boy in her class who lives in our neighborhood who will be riding the bus with her.  It is about a 45 minute ride to their school.  Roberto was already on the bus this morning with a big grin on his face and franticly waving his hand when her saw Mia.  She was excited to see him too.  Mia hopped on the bus and sat down next to him.  She looked at me like" Okay mom you can get off the bus now.  I will be just fine."  So off she went with her lunch, backpack and her new friend.  As a mother I couldn't ask for a better way for my baby to start the school year.  

Below are a couple of pictures and a video of her reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.  To mute the blog music just scroll to the bottom and hit the mute button.  Enjoy!!

First day of fourth grade!

Big Smile

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mia

    My name is Jenna. you are a special miracle from god, a gift from above, earthly angel. You are full of happiness, life, smiles, joy, fun,love, and spunk.

    I was born with a rare life threatening disease, and have 14 other medical conditions, and developmental delays.

    I wrote this poem

    Each of us are Special

    Each of us different,

    No one is the same

    Each of are us are unique in our own way,

    Those of us who have challenges, we smile through our day.

    Those who of us who have challenges, we smile through our day.

    It doesn't matter what others say

    we are special anyway.

    What is forty feet and sings? the school chior
