Mia Qing Wilson

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Six Months With Mia

Yesterday marked our six month anniversary with Mia.  It's amazing how time goes by so quickly.  Her doctor's report was good.  She has grown 4 centimeters and has gained 3 pounds.  We go back in four months.

On Thursday the social worker will come for our second home visit.  I think she will be surprised by the changes in this short amount of time.  We just completed swimming lessons and vacation bible school.  Such fun.  Her language is progressing rapidly.  They other day I asked her if she was sure about something.  I can't even remember what I had asked because her response took me by surprise.  She said "I'm not sure I'm POSITIVE."  Such a big word for just learning English.  She has a sense of humor too.  She asked me if I would "paint her tony tails."  I said do you mean toe nails?  She said yes, I was just speaking Chinese.  Just love this precious little girl.

Adoption is not a fairy tale and we do have our moments of adapting as a new family.  Mia's personality and habits have been developed way before she came to us.  However, we have all bonded and grown these past six months.  It is painful when she confides certain events from the orphanage and her treatment there.  But, everything happens in God's time and we are so blessed to have her with us now.  I can't wait to see what the next six months have in store for us.  

The above video is from vacation bible school.  They had a talent show and she wanted to sing in Chinese.  To listen to her sing just go to the bottom of the page and mute the blog music. 
Castle Project


  1. Love, love, love that happy face! She seems very artistic. That is a much better castle than I could ever do.
